Monday, October 13, 2008

2.Ohio event quotes

"The engagement and energy at the Ohio 2.0 event in Columbus was a great example of what can be achieved when individuals are motivated to get involved, lead and innovate. We need national leadership that has the vision, courage and commitment to inspire the entire nation - bringing out the innovator in each of us - and to revive our Innovation Ecosystem by fostering an environment for innovation through wise funding and smart policy. We need the leadership of Barak Obama and Joe Biden." - Judy Estrin, Entrepreneur Author, Closing the Innovation Gap.

"The 2.Ohio event was a great opportunity to discuss how new technologies such as broadband wireless, cloud computing, Web 2.0, and social networking will not only create new jobs in the information technology sector but will increase profits and wages throughout the economy--in the auto industry, in the health care sector, in the insurance industry--within the smallest businesses and the largest. These technologies can also make government more cost-efficient and responsive, more open and transparent. But this can only happen if we have leaders like Barack Obama and Joe Biden who "get it" and are willing to fix 20- and 30-year-old rules and regulations that are standing in the way of creating 21st Century jobs. With their leadership we can "reboot" both our government and our economy." -
Michael R. Nelson, Adviser to the Obama campaign on technology issues, Professor, Internet Studies,Georgetown University

"This year is a really big deal for American democracy and for our economy. People of good will must stand up for the our shared values, and for efforts that creat jobs. Ohioans are leaders in both areas." -
Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.

"I had a terrific time at 2.Ohio. I was really impressed with the size, depth, diversity, and passion of the Columbus tech community. Ironically enough, it's these kinds of in-person get-togethers that are critical to building a real tech community, and I think 2.Ohio sets a solid bar for these events in the future." -
Brian Behlendorf, primary developer of Apache Serve and board member of Mozilla Foundation.


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