Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why f8 was good for the open web - O'Reilly Radar

Why f8 was good for the open web - O'Reilly Radar

It's easy as a technologist to think about openness solely in terms of technology, but openness is broader than that. Openness of technology means that others can build using the same tools that you do. Openness of data means that developers can build innovative products based on APIs that weren't previously possible. And openness between people is what happens when when all of these things come together to give people better ways to share information.

Sure, some things Facebook launched are more "open" than others, but here is what's exciting me:

1) No 24-hour caching limit: Developers have found that one of the most annoying policies was only caching data from the Facebook API for twenty-four hours at a time. At Six Apart this meant that we had built infrastructure that allowed us to comply with this restriction in a way that wouldn't impact site performance. Today developers can store data from Facebook's API as long as they're keeping it up to date and agree to remove it at a user's request.

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