Monday, April 19, 2010

DanOnit - Blog

DanOnit - Blog

The Social Media Strategy: Investment-Risk-Return Infographic

The following chart is helpful when you're talking to people or companies about social media strategy. This gives you alot to talk about.

1.) You can position Monitoring & Report for a person or business that is more conservative or is not willing to invest in a more comprehensive program.

2.) This chart is great for conversations around investment in tools, people, and time. Everyone says social media is free or low cost. I disagree. You will get out of social media and social networking what you put into it.

3.) Depending on what a person or company is trying to accomplish this chart lets them visualize what will be required from an investment and commitment level.

4.) This also comes in handy as a way to position the potential risk and the opportunity for reward.

Let me know what you think of the chart.

If you would like to learn more about strategy, tactics and more review the post: Use "A STAR" To Build Social Media Strategy

Until next time...

Dan Harris


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