Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Minds On - Breaking through the Barriers – Getting Attention and the Price of Admission

Minds On

The other day I received an e-mail from someone that I didn’t recognize, but the subject of the e-mail was “RE: Meeting Request.”

It didn’t take me long after I opened it to see that someone had just gotten past one of my barriers to marketing messages and sales pitches. Normally, I would have just hit the Delete button, but something else caught my eye. They were offering me a $50 Starbucks gift card for viewing a 30-minute demo.

Another barrier breached.

So I slowed down and read their message, and what do you know? It was on a topic of interest to me. These guys were good.

This one e-mail was a perfect example of how a clever subject line and offer could catch someone’s attention. We use these techniques for our clients here at Minds On, and I’m always impressed when I see others using them, too.

First, this e-mail campaign was directed at me specifically. They had discovered that I was interested in their category of software. They had my name, e-mail address, and knew that I was a decision-maker. This same message directed at the guy in the office next to ours might have been a complete miss, but they had zeroed in on me. That’s impressive.

click here to read more


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