Thursday, July 2, 2009

Leading in IT - Serving and Vision

By Angelo Mazzocco - CIO Progressive Medical

Leading in IT - Serving and Vision

Remember the 2004 CIO Magazine cover which asked what the fate of IT will be in 2010

Furthermore, that same CIO Magazine asked what will be the future of the CIO in 2010, will it be the "Rise of the CIO" or "Whatever happened to the CIO?"

Well, since it is already 2009 and hindsight is 20/20, the answer is clearer than ever. We continue to see the rise of the CIO and technology leadership throughout the world and in all industries.
It stands to reason that since the entire universe depends upon information and technology today more than ever, IT leadership is paramount.

So, just how best does one lead in IT? Let's look at the short term and long term.

In the short term, leading IT is accomplished by becoming the servant to the needs of the business. As soon as one loses sight of the fact that even with all the hoopla about the "Rise of the CIO", IT leadership must be subservient to the business more than ever! Being a servant to the business will ensure the alignment of IT with the business. Most agree that alignment with the business is job #1 for today's IT leadership.

In the long term,
leading IT requires having the foresight on behalf of the business to envision what it will need 3-5 years in the future. Granted, this is a difficult part of the IT leadership agenda but so very vital. The business must be able to count on IT leadership having the plan and infrastructure for the business to grow into.

Serving the business in the short term and developing the IT vision for the long term into which the business can grow are the key ingredients.


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