Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Connect and collaborate with the Columbus Technology Community - CBus Tech Life

Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago several of us got together over Macaroni Grill food, wine and beer at my house and came up with a cocreated vision for Columbus Tech Life.
Those at that first meeting were: Nick Seguin, Jamie Timm, Ingrid Field, Sandy Blanquera, Cindy Groeniger, Tracy Moran, Ray Bohac, Rhonda Davis, and Brian Link.
Since then a draft was sent (see below) to a small pilot audience that shaped the initial concept. Since then I've gotten some encouraging feedback regarding the concept. As with most early stage concepts we don't know what we don't know but we have to start somewhere - we just know that there's a unmet need to be filled.
The reality is that we're all busy people with busy lives that contain elements of work, family, community, etc. We're all trying to juggle competing priorities. Where can Columbus technology community member (from one of many disciplines) go that provides a one stop shop that acts as a clearing house for professional and personal development while providing opportunities for social networking in a time effective manner? How can we enable others and ourselves to create the world we want to live in? Those are the questions at hand and the unmet need for Columbus Tech Life
I understand that we've got some potential overlap with other organizations in town (i.e TechColumbus, Social Media Cafe, etc.) and we will work with those organizations as Columbus Tech Life unfolds to make sure our work is governed by the spirit of collaboration and community building. Remember Columbus Tech Life is a movement not a organization and that there are plenty of unconnected people not involved with any organizations.
So here's the ask, check out http://www.cbustechlife.com and help cocreate a "you" driven site (by contributing content) that would be valuable to "you" and your colleagues. This is a participative democracy espousing a startup mentality for bootstrapping and fast prototyping.

What is Columbus Tech Life ? A draft

In my mind Columbus Tech Life (CbusTechLife)is the creation of a ecosystem that supports both online and offline components(events and gatherings) that facilitate and accelerate community building. The online components facilitate a 'grassroots driven',easy, asynchronous exchange of information available to people where they are. Brian Link event prototyped a starting point to begin gathering information that could drive a website - http://techlife.pbwiki.com/ .

Creating a 'one stop' for the tech community, that leverages social networking, will also enable all those who are already self organized in the tech sector (i.e professional orgs and user groups) to become more effective by perhaps helping to promotion to audiences that they don't normally reach and providing them tools to better interact and dialogue with the consituents.
Peace out,


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