Monday, January 19, 2009

Ignite Columbus 2 - This Wednesday Jan 21

I have to admit when I heard about Ignite Columbus that I had no idea what it was about but thought that it had a cool name. So what the heck is Ignite Columbus and why have closed to 100 people signed up to attend the next one this Wed. (Click here to register)

Here is what it's all about:

If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Around the world geeks have been putting together Ignite nights to show their answers.
Ignite, a community sponsored by O’Reilly, was started in Seattle in 2006 by Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis. Since then 100s of 5 minute talks have been given across the world. There are thriving Ignite communities in Seattle, Portland, Paris, and NYC.

This week's list of presenters include:

Name Presentation Title
Anne Diehl Working in Theatre
Anthony Timperman Columbus Green Business Goes Blue
Artie Isaac Democratizing Public Speaking
Brian Link Agile Software
Brian Lockrey Creating and Managing Organizations on the Internet
Charles (Bill) Carpenter Finding Opportunity in Economic Recession
Chris Elliott Changing the Workforce
Eric Zarnesky Shaping Message Success
Jason Blanton Capturing Creativity
Jeff 'SKI' Kinsey You don't know RSS
Jody Dzuranin New Year - New Economy
Joe DeLoss Sustainable Service
Joshua Scott Jump!
Laura Rees Springboard Ideas, or How to make cheese sauce
lauren serota social media vs. real life
Lewis Howes Unlocking the Underground Secrets to LinkedIn Success
Mike Bowers C'Bus Invention that Ignite Columbus
Mike McBride What is Electronic Discovery, Really?
Phyllis Top 100 List

(Click here for detailed descriptions)

Check it out. I'll see you there.

Peace out,


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