Monday, September 22, 2008

Former partners reunite to launch new Columbus-based IT professional services firm, DesCovRe Consulting, LLC.

Three former IT consulting partners have reunited and have recently announced the formation of DesCovRe Consulting, LLC, a professional services firm specializing in the measurement, analysis and optimization of business-critical IT systems.  The new venture is led by Mario Desiderio, Mike Covert and Matt Balent, an executive team familiar with the professional IT services market, the start-up business model, and with one another.  
Based in Columbus, Ohio, DesCovRe (pronounced ‘discovery’) Consulting will provide specialized IT services to the financial, insurance, retail and healthcare industries, a market well-known to its founders.  The three initially teamed up to form the Advanced Technology Group for Claremont Technology Partners (now Convansys) and later re-joined as founders and executive partners of Infinis, Incorporated (acquired by WHITTMANHART; now TUSC Consulting).
“This is familiar territory for us”, said Desiderio.  “We know what our individual strengths are, how we operate together and as an executive team we can quickly focus on what’s important.  Our success has always been in providing our clients with high quality work from high quality people that they can trust.  That’s really what we do best.”
“So many of the consulting companies today are focused purely on the technology itself”, said Covert.  “Our approach has always been to understand the business first. While we’re fully prepared to dive into the technology, it’s critical to always first understand and communicate the business implications of doing so.  Our ability to manage that ‘gray area’ between the business and the technology is something that sets us apart”.
Prior to DesCovRe, the three were instrumental in the successful development and management of another Columbus-based start-up, Infinis Incorporated.  Their roles included Desiderio, as founder and Chief Executive Officer, Covert as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer, and Balent, as managing partner and Director of the Business Technology Optimization practice.  Prior to Infinis, Covert was CTO and Vice President of Product Development at Alta Analytics and Balent was co-founder and President of Paladin Technology Partners.
For further information, contact: or visit the company’s website at


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